What’s Next For The Clark Crew?

It is with much sadness but extreme peace that I share with you that God is calling the Clark family to transition away from Christ’s Church of the Valley. It has been an adventurous season of life as we wrap up 3 1/2 years of ministry at Christ’s Church of the Valley in Phoenix, Arizona.

CCV has been an amazing experience for our family as we have watched God work in supernatural ways. 

Thank you for accepting and loving our family.

We are thankful for the time God has let us share together.

We have been inspired, stretched and made better by so many of you!

It has been a true honor to be part of the executive team, leading, preaching and serving God’s Church.

This June we will be moving to Huntington Beach, California.


Ruby will be attending Hope International University. She will place herself in an environment where God can grow her heart for people and challenge her comfort zones.



Cole will be attending Huntington Beach High School.  There he will be able to attend an amazing public high school and also an arts school where he can learn music, theater and journalism.



Rene will be taking care of all of us. She will also be launching a new blog and taking her “Bible Boot Camp” to the beach!



I will continue to serve God’s Church and people in a curious way.  I have always been a bit of a divergent personality … even before the movie. (You can read more about that in this blog post from a  few months ago.)

In this next season of life, instead of putting all my eggs in one basket, I plan to put eggs into three different baskets. These areas of service are all very important to me, and they all leverage my one and only life to grow God’s Kingdom and Church!

Here are the three baskets that I will be putting my eggs into over the coming months …

The Preaching Basket.

mepreachI will no longer be preaching at CCV, but I will continue to consult and preach on a regular basis at many amazing churches.  You can see a list of those churches on the Speaking tab of this blog site.

In addition, in this new season of life, my wife Rene and I really desire to do more ministry together.

We will be seeking opportunities where we can speak, write and serve God and His Church as a team!


The Leadership Basket.

logo-blackI will be leveraging my previous 25 years of church experience to serve the Church in the future. I will be doing this primarily through the Slingshot Group. I am leading the senior division in coaching and staffing with teaching pastors and lead pastors.

This gives me the opportunity to be a “strategic confidant” to pastors and coach Next Level Leaders and place them with Next Level Churches.

If you are not familiar with Slingshot Group, you can learn more about this amazing organization here.


The Art Basket.

EALogo-artfullyI launched Eat Art roughly 5 years ago, and it is never far from my heart. Eat Art is a non profit organization that is committed to Artfully Ending Hunger. Over the past 5 years we have been able to send hope and over 300,000 meals to hungry kids through the sale of photography.

I believe with everything in me that we can send 1,000,000 meals a year to hungry kids!  

In Huntington Beach there is an art fair on Friday nights on the pier. We will be seeking to secure an opportunity in that environment where people can purchase art and partner with Eat Art.

You get the art and the kids get to eat!

Friends at CCV … we love you!

May you continue to live a curious life for Jesus.

A life that stands out and points people to HIM.


  • Becky Scherle Reply
    February 26, 2016

    Thank you so much for the way you have poured into this church while you’ve been here!! May God bless you richly in this next season! We will miss you!

    • Todd Clark Reply
      February 26, 2016

      Thanks SO much Becky. We are thankful for Gods leading in our lives. And we feel so thankful for our season in Phoenix.

  • Frances Hinkle Reply
    February 26, 2016

    CCV has been extremely blessed to have you and your family in our life. I no longer live in Phoenix but CCV is my home church. We will miss you very much. Thank you for sharing your love for God with us. Peace, strength and blessings to all of you.

    Frances Hinkle.

    • FireTree Design Reply
      February 26, 2016

      Thanks so much Frances. It’s been an enormous privilege to be a part of CCV. Blessings to you.

  • Kevin Carlson Reply
    February 26, 2016

    Thanks for being s great part of my life during the finesse shared at CCV and church planting. Way to go living the life you want! You’re my hero:)

    • FireTree Design Reply
      February 26, 2016

      Kevin – you are a good man. I appreciate our friendship and I’m thankful for your support bro! Keep us in your prayers.

  • Stacie smith Reply
    February 26, 2016

    Live your dream! Art on the pier? For a great purpose? Now that is nothing but exciting! Good luck to you and your family!

    • FireTree Design Reply
      February 26, 2016

      Thanks Stacie – pretty stoked! God is good and we are ready to follow where He leads.

  • Debora Manson Reply
    February 26, 2016

    We would have followed you anywhere in az, but CA is just too far to travel each week 😉 You and your family have been such a blessing to us and we will truly truly miss your teaching!!

    • FireTree Design Reply
      February 26, 2016

      Ahhh come on Debora – it’s only like 5 1/2 hours 🙂 thank you and blessings to you.

  • Tevis Reply
    February 26, 2016

    May you and your family continue to bless many as you have here at CCV!! You will be missed but never forgotten!

  • Tom Burt Reply
    February 27, 2016

    I have greatly appreciated your presence and preaching at CCV pastor Todd. You will be dearly missed. God bless and God speed to you and your family as you embark on this new adventure with the Lord. <3

    • FireTree Design Reply
      February 27, 2016

      Thank you Tom for that prayer. We are trusting God and seeking His guidance as we seek to fully follow Him.

  • Tina Wildoner Reply
    February 27, 2016

    Please say the live curiously blog will continue. We will miss you at CCV.

    • FireTree Design Reply
      February 27, 2016

      It will indeed Tina – and it will get even more creative | curious

  • Amy Souza Reply
    February 27, 2016

    Pastor Todd – I’m not sure that you will ever fully understand the impact you have had on me, my family and countless others at CCV. We will never forget you. Please come back from time to time and continue to bless us with your amazing sermons! We will pray for you and your family as you embark on your next adventure! Thank you.

    • FireTree Design Reply
      February 27, 2016

      Amy thank you so much – I would like to come back from time to time. We shall see. Keep your eyes on Him!

  • Kelly Johnson Reply
    February 27, 2016

    Keep me in you and Rene’s ministry contact list. Please tell her I want to be added to her blog! KJLuvschocolate@ aol.com

    • FireTree Design Reply
      February 27, 2016

      You got it Kelly – I will keep blogging here and Rene is starting a Bible Boot Camp blog!!! Bam.

  • Donna Daniel Reply
    February 27, 2016

    Todd, you are a gifted teacher and your passion for Jesus shines through every time you speak. My family is going to miss you. Phx loss is HB gain. God bless you and your beautiful family.

  • Cleta Norris Reply
    February 28, 2016

    I would like to continue to follow you too! I would like to be put on yours and Rene,s. Blogs. I love you guys and will enjoy following your adventures in Calif. Kaciza, LaDonnas daughter is moving to California soon too too. She is a traveling nurse, maybe you will meet up with her, I hope. She perfesses to be an anthes, oopppp spelling wasn t my top study but doesn’t believe there is a God. Maybe you could help her I feel all I can do is pray. GOOD LUCK AND GOD’S BLESSINGS. LOVE YA. AUNT CLETA

  • Becky Phipps Reply
    February 28, 2016

    We have been so blessed by your ministry at CCV. Through one of your first messages my son in law came to know Christ as his personal Savior and was Baptized into the family of God. If,for no other reason, your time here at CCV was a blessing to our family, and I thank you for that. May God bless you and your family in all you do. We will miss you.

    • FireTree Design Reply
      February 28, 2016

      Wow that is so awesome Becky – thanks for sharing. Blessings to your family!

  • Barb Glover Reply
    February 28, 2016

    My heart is selfish and doesn’t want to see the best of the best leave. I’ve been with CCV for 20 plus years and must confess you have inspired and touched me more than anyone. I’m not sure how blogs work but I would like to be added to yours. I wish the Clark much happiness and many blessings as I know the Lord has mega plans for you. All those that have yet to have the honor of hearing you preach are in for a treat! Thank you for always delivering a most meaningful and understanding message. Much love to you and your family, Barb

  • Al & Ginny Field Reply
    February 28, 2016

    I’m sure that each of the CCV “A” Team (4:30 Ushers) will agree that we miss you already Todd! The passion and heart you put into your talks is beyond explanation. You have a way of drawing us into the message and not only speaking to us but making us a part of the story. We wish you the best and hope you will find time to drop in and share a message with us from time to time. We love you and pray for success in all that you and your family attempt for the Lord!

    Al & Ginny

  • Ted Irish Reply
    February 29, 2016

    Todd and family, as members of the CCV family for 30+ years, we have seen many staff members come and go. Your teaching during your stay at CCV has been among the best of the best and we have been blessed every time we’ve heard your message. Your passion and dynamic delivery of God’s word is a gift from HIm and we pray that you will continue to maximize those gifts in reaching lost people. Godspeed to you and your family as you embark on this new adventure that God has planned for you. Blessings to you and your family. Ted & Sheri Irish

  • Debbie Reply
    February 29, 2016

    Pastor Todd, so sad to hear you and family are moving back to Cali. You are our favorite pastor at CCV and I love your excitement and passion for the Lord. Peoria is losing one of the best.
    Prayers are flowing you way and we wish all four of you the very best!!

  • blessingsahead Reply
    February 29, 2016

    Todd, All God’s best to you and yours. Never doubt that a sunset in one land is always a sunrise in another! Blessings on your head and heart, Alan Ahlgrim

    • FireTree Design Reply
      February 29, 2016

      Thanks so much Alan – that means a lot. We are excited to see how God will lead us in this new season. Blessings to you!

  • Eddie Fischer Reply
    February 29, 2016

    Todd, your going to be missed! Your messages always have such passion and clarity! I cherish an opportunity for coffee & conversation before you leave town! Baseball cards & Slingshot Group!

  • Diane & Gary Stanley Reply
    March 15, 2016

    We are crushed to know you won’t be with us at CCV. You are the best, but we know God sees something more for you! We will follow your speaking schedule with hopes of seeing you again somewhere! God bless, Diane & Gary Stanley

    • Todd Clark Reply
      March 16, 2016

      Thanks so much Gary. It has been an honor to be part of the team. Please pray for us as we seek God and listen for His best!
      Appreciate you my friend.

  • Chris Visage Reply
    April 24, 2016

    Had a feeling you’d be back closer to those waves… Hopefully we’ll get to see you back at discovery one of these days.. Even if to just drop in 😉

  • jordan bauer Reply
    April 25, 2016

    DOPE. Love it. Excited to follow along man. Keep killing it out there.

  • jillpolishall Reply
    May 25, 2016

    You have left footprints here, growing us in Christ. A big loss for us! Trusting God to protect the kids in their new study environments, and Renee on the beach endeavor. I can’t imagine what a Bible study would have been like, had we had the opportunity to study together while she was here. Jill & John Hall

    • Todd Clark Reply
      May 25, 2016

      Thanks you so much Jill and John. WE do appreciate the prayers in this new adventure! Rene’s Bible Boot Camp on the beach!

  • Charlene Schlieker Reply
    May 25, 2016

    Todd,it was your personality,and passion for the lord that drew me to ccv, I will miss you,blessings to you and your family.

    • Todd Clark Reply
      May 25, 2016

      Thanks so much Charlene – appreciate the prayers for sure!

  • Linda Nelson Reply
    June 1, 2016

    I am so heartbroken for our loss and overjoyed at the opportunities that stretch out before you and your family. Your words have brought so much to our family. I will be forever grateful for the amazing way you helped lead Katie Wagner home. The words you spoke on her behalf were perfect and priceless. You will be missed. We wish you well.

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