What Have We Done?

We have embarked on a new adventure of helping people find peace with who they are and courage to do what God has called them to do.


As we’ve been adjusting to our current season of change (move, job change, daughter off to college, son off to a new high school), a friend suggested we get a LifePlan done.  We had heard a little about the LifePlan process, but we didn’t see how it would apply to us since we felt pretty secure in the plans we had made for this season of our life.  But our friend kept pressing, so we investigated a little and decided to give it a try.

Turns out, a LifePlan is exactly what we needed
to find clarity and affirmation
for this next season of our lives.  

Rene and I entered the LifePlan process with Doug Slaybaugh in San Clemente, California. Our desire was to discover how to live out God’s purpose for our lives in this new season.  We both came out of the LifePlan process with a clear objective on how to do that.

We are feeling a great sense of peace with who we are and how God made us. One of the things a LifePlan does is bring great clarity to a persons life purpose.

For instance, Rene discovered that one of her life’s purposes is to empower women to take steps toward God.

I discovered that I have a passion for helping high achievers be healthy.

These are things that are true to our very core.
They have always been true,
but we needed a little guidance in excavating these truths,
and our facilitator took us through a strategic process
to dig it out, name it, and get it on paper.  

After experiencing the LifePlan process together in San Clemente, California, Rene booked a trip to Boulder, Colorado, and completed her training with the Paterson Center to become a Certified LifePlan Facilitator.  She now has the tools and the training to come alongside women and guide them toward discovering God’s unique purpose for their lives.

A LifePlan is a two-day, intensive process of soul work.
It’s a guided exploration of your life experiences,
your passions and your talents,
getting it all on paper,
and discovering God’s unique plan for your life.  

Whether you’re starting something, letting something go, or you’re somewhere in-between, you need perspective and purpose.  A LifePlan will help you gain perspective on who God created you to be and find purpose in whatever God wants you to do next.

Rene would love to help you pursue your own story so that you can give your best self to the people in your life.

Are you ready for a LifePlan with Rene?

If you’re a woman in ministry, a LifePlan can help you clarify your passion.
If you’re married to a pastor, a LifePlan can give you confidence to boldly step into your calling.
If you’re a MomBoss, a LifePlan can help you find balance and purpose.

If you would like to get a LifePlan scheduled with Rene this summer, learn more at ReneClark.Com

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todd clark


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