We Should on God – SHOULD HAPPENS – Part 4
The last should of them all …
This is why …
– The person you work with or your neighbor makes jokes, or is cynical about God.
– The person you go to school with says they are an atheist.
– Your husband, wife, brother or sister, aunt or uncle said “I’m out” and quit going to church.
It’s because at some point in life God did not act like we think He should.
Shoulding on God is not a religious thing.
It’s not a church thing.
It’s not a Christian thing.
It’s a human thing.
Everyone single person on this planet thinks they know how God “should” act.
If I do this … God will do this. It’s like He is required to do this if I do this and then He doesn’t.
And we “should” all over Him.
This message talks about how we can continue to trust God, even when we don’t understand or agree with God.