todd clark

How Just One Single Push-Up a Day has Changed My Life

It’s simple …

One push-up never equals just one push-up.

When I make myself get on the floor for “just one” push-up it always becomes 10, 20, 30 or more.

“I’m here now … I may as well do a few more.”

And that is how just one push-up has changed my fitness level.

So, how has it changed my LIFE?

Well …

  • Just write a few sentences … always becomes a few paragraphs.
  • Just walk around the block … always becomes a mile or two.
  • Just send one text of encouragement … always becomes three or four.
  • Just one minute in the Bible … always becomes 20 minutes.

Just one little anything has the potential to become a whole lot of something and change your life.


1 Comment
  • Mark Silvers Reply
    January 20, 2018

    This was simple but extremely encouraging. Thanks!

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todd clark


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