The Online Church Is On Fire!

Yes, we are moving our gatherings and giving online … but we are staying on mission. It doesn’t matter if we are on campus or online. The Church remains on mission ether way!

Here is what I believe …

I believe we are going to be forced to learn things in the coming weeks and months about how to gather online that are going to grow Gods Church and advance His Kingdom rapidly and more comprehensively into the digital age.

And I am certain that God is not surprised by the Coronavirus! God is not looking down saying, “What … whoah … when and how did this happen?
Where did this originate?”

He knows and He has also given us the digital tools to continue meeting and growing even in these uncertain times. I believe that we are going to see God move big time in His Church around our nation and our world. Though we are separated physically, this coronavirus crisis is going to unite Gods Church globally.

I believe this because when we study the early church that grew like wildfire you see they met in “temple courts” and “house to house.”

Acts 5:42 – Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.

– Temple courts … is more like our large church buildings and campuses.
– House to house … is well … our houses / our homes / our online campuses.

Gods Church can and will flourish as we gather from house to house to house to house to house to house to house.

I truly believe, even as we sit here today with some uncertainty, if we could see into heaven right now. All heaven is gathered around saying … “Oh man, watch this … watch what God is doing on earth during this uncertain season.”
– People are unleashing compassion like never before.
– People are leaning into His Word all around the world.
– People are praying and uniting their hearts in unprecedented ways.
– People are using their homes as places to gather and broadcast Truth!

Could it be … could it be … that one of the ways that GODS CHURCH is going to explode and begin to reach all nations is through hundreds of thousands of online gatherings like we are experiencing this weekend?

Could it be that the message of Jesus will spread like wildfire across the world as many thousands of churches move their message online more than any other time in the history of the world?

More people are going to have access to Gods Word, Worship and Prayer this weekend than any other weekend in human history!

As ministries move online, Gods church is going to be on fire.

  • John Verstrate Reply
    March 17, 2020

    I am so thankful for your recent message using the storage containers. It reminds people that God does not just live in the church but he also resides in us. Even online we are in God’s presence.

    • Todd Clark Reply
      March 18, 2020

      Thank you John. Blessings my friend.

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