todd clark

Let’s Go To The Dominican Republic This Summer!

I’m excited to announce that I will be leading a trip to the Dominican Republic this summer with CCV and GO Ministries. I have been to the Dominican Republic about a dozen times and I’m stoked to take a small group of 15 people to see the impact that’s being made long term. We can contribute for a week, but make an eternal impression on the lives of men and women and families in extreme poverty – and they’ll teach us something powerful.  Join me this summer as we live curiously for the sake of Jesus.

Trip Dates: June 30 – July 7, 2015
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Dead line is May 1, 2015, midnight.

Trip Size: 15 people
Trip Leader: Todd Clark

Who can go? This trip is ideal for anyone! Singles, couples, young adults! There will be lots of walking. Adults over 18 must pass a Background Check as a requirement. **Children aged 16-18 traveling without a parent need to contact us first before registering so we can talk to your parents and make sure everyone’s on the same page and we approve the student going.

Trip Cost: $1,800 per person

Included in this fee: Airfare from Phoenix to Santiago, accommodations, transportation and meals while in the Dominican. This also cover medical insurance, luggage fees, and pre-trip materials and $10 visa fee upon entry into Dominican.

Not included: Passport fees, and any personal spending money for meals during travel and souvenirs.

***$500 deposit per person is non-refundable at the time of registration. If a cancellation is made after airline tickets have been purchased you will be responsible for the cost of the ticket. Final Balance is due by the trip’s departure date.

It is going to be an amazing experience. Please pray about joining me on this life changing trip this summer.

You can get complete details and register for this trip HERE!

Here are just a few FAQ’s

What will we be doing?
GO Ministries partners with over 60 local leaders to bring hope and peace to communities. Our team will likely focus on sports and construction – leading the kiddos in sports clinics and games and doing whatever projects the neighborhood needs – painting, mixing concrete, lay brick, dig foundations, etc, and perhaps even spending time with the kids just showing them love and attention. Our desire is that CCV share God’s Word in both word and deed.

Where do we stay and what will we eat?
The team will stay in the city of Santiago, more specifically in the barrio of Hoya del Caimito. This is the headquarters of GO Ministries in the D.R.. Eduard Gabriel is the President of GO Ministries, Inc. in the Dominican Republic. The team will sleep in one of four dormitories located in the community.

Do I need a passport?
A Valid passport is required for all participants and can not expire within 6 months of the trip’s return date. Please visit for up to date information and to apply.

Here are some of the photos I captured when I was in the Dominican Republic preparing for this trip about 3 months ago.

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todd clark


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