How To Lead A Person To Jesus On A Napkin

Photo courtesy of @MaryBairy

I want you to imagine you are having coffee with a friend, neighbor, co-worker, classmate or family member.

You are talking about all kinds of very normal, everyday things.

If you are a student you are talking about your favorite teacher, your new job, shopping or going to college.

If you are an adult you might be talking about your kids, career or a much anticipated upcoming vacation.

If you are a guy you might be talking about sports or cars … or sports cars.

Ladies, I’m honestly not sure what you talk about while having coffee … possibly shoes, purses or how men stereotype you!

The point is you are having coffee and talking about all kinds of VERY NORMAL things and then all of the sudden the conversation takes a spiritual turn.

The person you are sitting with starts asking what you think about church,
the Bible or Jesus.

Has this ever happened to you?

What do you do?
Do you get nervous?
Do you ignore it?
Do you redirect the conversation as quickly as possible to a safer subject?

Or do you go with it!?!

This can be a scary moment for many of us because often we are not sure we know enough about the Bible or Jesus or our own faith to engage in this kind of spiritual conversation with a person.  We feel like if we travel too far down this road we may actually mess up the message of Jesus!

Yet the Bible tells us in I Peter 3:15 “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

I want to show you how you can direct that spiritual conversation with confidence and how you can invite a person into an adventure with Jesus
using only one verse!

You do not need to know 15 verses from the Old and New Testament.

Just this one verse.

For the wages of sin is death,
but the gift of God is eternal life
in Christ Jesus our Lord.
– Romans 6:23

Using this verse you can invite a person into an adventure with Jesus!

What you do is write out the verse and then spend between 3 minutes and 30 minutes, depending on how long you have,  breaking apart all the words. By the time you are done it looks something like this …


And you can do this, by the way, on the back of a napkin!

This summer I shared this message “How To Lead A Person To Jesus On The Back Of A Napkin” in both Texas and California.

Both of the messages are available below.

So would you rather hear this message from Texas or Cali? Country or Surf? Belt buckles or surf boards? Cowboy hats or beanies?

Take your pick and learn how to lead a person to Jesus

“Surf Style” – Eastside Christian Church


“Country Style” – Community Bible Church 

*** NOTE: You can find many different versions of leading a person to Jesus with Romans 6:23 on YouTube. You can also find many different graphics for this verse on Google images. I believe the first time I ever saw this verse broken apart like this was many years ago in a Navigators presentation. I have used this method of sharing Jesus many times over the years. I believe this diagram was first created by a guy named Randy Raysbrook. Huge thanks to Randy and the Navigators for this amazing tool. You can find more versions of this presentation and many other great resources by searching the Navigators website!

Blessings friends as you live a curious life and lead people closer to Jesus.

“Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.”
– Matthew 10:32-33

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