Seven People Who Are Inspiring Me This Summer

In this unique, crazy, divergent season of my life I am running into so many who are living curiously. My goal in these “Who’s Inspiring Me” posts is to share with you those who are inspiring me … so I can instigate a curious life in you. These seven leaders will wreck you … in a good way!

Summer 2017


CJ Casciotta – I have known CJ from a distance and followed his podcast “Sounds Like A Movement” (which he just sold) for many months. But I just got to have a coffee with CJ in Huntington Beach last week. He is an instigator of all things curious. He feels like an old friend who I just met. CJ is a writer, director, and advocate for weird-thinking. You are going to love this fellow!

Twitter – @cjcasciotta
Instagram – @cjcasciotta
Web –


Shaun Smith – I don’t know Shaun personally but this dude is curious and has a wicked eye for wave photography. He inspires me with his craft and infectious personality. I am hoping to have some of his photos on Eat Art this summer!

If you are around the beach in Laguna, Newport or Huntington you might see Shaun with his GoPro in the water. I’m stoked to s)(oot with you this summer Shaun.

Instagram – @smitherspix


Rene Clark – I have known this girl since she was 15 years old … and this has been her best year yet. Check out Rene’s new website for all her curious and Kingdom minded endeavors. Including LifePlan retreats at the beach!

Twitter – @ReneClark
Instagram @ReneClarkca
Web –


Tim Ferriss – If you have not read this guys books (The Four Hour Work Week | Body | Chef)  or listened to his podcast … go do it today. Tim never ceases to instigate curious thoughts in my mind that can sidetrack me for minutes or days. I am reading the thickest book I have ever read this summer – “Tools for Titans” by Tim.


Twitter – @tferriss

Instagram – @TimFerriss

Web –



Jason Jaggard – I have known Jason for many years and he just keeps comin’ on! His creativity, knack for business, entrepreneurial savvy, humor, style and smarts are pretty nuts.

Only check him out if you want to write books and build benevolent businesses that inspire people.

Twitter – @jjaggard 

Instagram – @jjaggard 

Web –





I am a huge fan of the Hurley brand and Ryan Hurley. From their clothing to their efforts for students and benevolent causes – this is a guy I hope to have coffee with in Newport Beach one day this summer.

Here is the latest post on Instagram from Ryan: This Friday, Jon, the founder of @wavesforwater, will be showing you how he’s built a life around doing what you love and helping along the way in an intimate setting complete with live music, food and more. Hit the link in our bio to reserve your spot for the event happening in Los Angeles, CA this Friday June 16, at @winstonhouse

Web –

Ryan Hurley Instagram – @ryanhurley 

Hurley surf club Instagram – @hurleysurfclub


Chad Veach – I don’t’ know Chad but as a former church planter in the LA area I am so inspired by this fellow Los Angeles / SoCal planter. Chad is the Pastor of Zoe Church in Los Angeles, California. Chad has three kiddos and a wife, Julia, who I hope my daughter Ruby can meet some day for coffee!

Chad has insane faith, style, energy, Bible-based messages and an Instagram feed that includes backstage footage of Justin Beibers latest tour. He has written an incredible book “Unreasonable Hope” that documents the families journey with their daughter Georgia and dealing with the pain of a diagnosis of a debilitating disease.

Chad is normal and not normal all at once.

Church – Zoe Church 

Twitter – @chadveach

Instagram – @chadcveach



1 Comment
  • J Reply
    July 1, 2017

    Tools for Titans is great. Hope all is well, bro!

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