Do You Have Incompatible Wishes?

Are all of our wishes compatible?

Can we accomplish all we wish and dream to do?

The short answer is no.

I have found that many people are plagued and ultimately left feeling tremendously guilty by a pursuit of “incompatible wishes.”

Incompatible Wishes: A series of good and noble dreams that cannot be realized in unison.

Here is an example of my recent incompatible wishes.

I want to be the lead pastor of a mega (giga) church AND I wish to write a book, spend time with my family, build a benevolent photography brand and lead the senior team at Slingshot Group in staffing and coaching.

These are all good wishes.

But they are incompatible when considered in unison.

When I stood at the ledge of leading one of the largest churches in the United States, I realized I could not do that and accomplish the other good things God had placed in my head and heart.

So I had a choice …

Which wish to pursue … because finite amounts of time, energy and resources make these good wishes incompatible.

Look at all of the wishes you have before you right now in your life.

  • You may have some giant, good and noble dreams.
  • Incredible opportunities.
  • Once in a lifetime invitations.

Here is the good news … if Gods calling on your life is simply to “work in His Kingdom” then you have a lot of latitude on how, when and where you do that.

Invest your life in the area that makes your heart beat fast.

And don’t heap guilt on yourself when you can’t “do it all.”

“All” is not possible because many of your great wishes and awesome opportunities are just incompatible.

These good and noble things could possibly be accomplished in a sequence, but not in unison. 

Admitting some of your wishes are good, but incompatible, will allow you to live infectiously and curiously.

1 Comment
  • John Willis ICE Reply
    April 24, 2018

    Thanks for laying this down for us Pastor Todd.

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