todd clark

How To Cover COVID-19 With Prayer.

Listen …

This virus is real and contagious.
The panic it creates is real and contagious.
Anxiety is real and contagious.
Fear is real and contagious.

But, I would also remind you …

Love … is also real and contagious.
Hope … is also real and contagious.
Kindness … is also real and contagious.
Peace … is also real and contagious.

So please, let’s spend some time today in prayer because it is a great way to battle the panic, anxiety and fear.

I am going to guide you …

If you don’t like to pray that’s OK …

But I would encourage you to give prayer a try.

Let’s pray.

First, let’s pray for …

Our world and those in other countries that are scared and nervous and feeling sick.
Let’s pray that God would bring them peace, healing and hope.

Then let’s pray for …

Our nation and our leaders. It is an election season which makes this virus even more partisan. Let’s pray our leaders will work together in unity and humility and wisdom.

Now let’s pray for …

Our local leaders in schools, businesses, hospitals and churches for energy and wisdom and faith.

And finally let’s pray for …

Our family, our friends and our neighbors.

To the God who is able to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine
… we commit these prayers to you.

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todd clark


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