Are you more eggshell or semi-gloss?

We just had the Clark Cottage painted recently and I learned a lot over the five day period from the painters.

Did you know there are 5 levels of sheen in the world of paint?

– High gloss
– Semi-gloss
– Satin
– Eggshell
– Matte

When it comes to understanding your life …

Do you know your sheen?

Did you know that you are the most important person you will lead this week?
And you are the most difficult person you will lead this week.

Most leaders who are no longer leading others have found themselves in that spot because they quit leading or couldn’t lead themselves.

Over the years, understanding who I am has been critical to understanding who God is calling me to be and where He is calling me to invest my one and only life.

It has given the the ability to say yes.

And it has given me the ability to say no, with confidence, to great opportunities.

Here are my top four ways to gain insight into your unique sheen.

1. Get a LifePlan. In January of 2017 Rene and I spent four days in the Patterson LifePlan process and it revolutionized our lives. You can find more information here – Paterson Center.   And my wife Rene also leads people through 2-day personal and private LifePlan retreats at our cottage in Huntington Beach, CA. More information here – ReneClark.Com

NOTE: A LifePlan is not about you crafting your dream for your life, but unearthing Gods dream for your life.

[Tweet “God’s plan for your life actually preceded your plan for you life! #LiveCurious”]

2. Do the Enneagram. This diagnostic tool not only reveals your sheen that looks beautiful, engaging and everyone wants to see, but it also gives insight into the potential pitfalls and “dark side” of your sheen / personality. The side that often creeps up on you but you don’t know why. This tool, when facilitated by a pro, can help you see the other side of you.

3. Give trusted people permission. Allowing trusted friends and family members to speak openly into your life could surprise you. They stare at your exterior all day long. And though they might not know how you feel on the inside all the time … they will have a pretty accurate appraisal of how shiny or dull you are on the outside.

[Tweet “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.Proverbs 27:6 “]

4. Get alone. Get away with only a blank notebook and ask God to speak to you. If you are feeling stuck and like God is quiet … then write everything you want to say to Him. Then just draw an empty box or circle on your paper … and wait for Him to speak words into your heart. Write down what your heart says. Then meditate on those things.

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todd clark


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