Speaking / Coaching Schedule for 2024

Date Event Name Location
4/6-7 Parkview Christian Church Orland Park, IL


Christ Church Oak Brook, IL
4/11 Scottsdale Succession Coaching  AZ
4/17 Las Vegas Succession Coaching NV
4/19 VW DJ  Huntington Beach, CA
4/20 VW DJ  Huntington Beach, CA

Marriage Retreat – Blue Sky – Fellowship Church 

Tampa, FL
4/28 Weekend Preaching – Fellowship Church  Tampa, FL
4/30 -5/1 LifePlan Experience  Huntington Beach, CA
5/4-5 Parkview Christian Church Orland Park, IL
5/11 The VW DJ Guy – DJ Pacific City Huntington Beach, CA
6/9 VW DJ in KC Overland Park, KS
 6/15  VW DJ – EMPI  Irvine, CA
 6/18 The VW DJ Guy – DJ Pacific City Huntington Beach, CA

 Parkview Christian Church

 Orland Park, IL
6/29-30 Parkview Christian Church   Orland Park, IL
7/10-11 LifePlan Experience  Huntington Beach, CA
7/13 VW DJ  Irvine, CA
7/20 VW DJ Laguna Beach, CA
8/3-4 Parkview Christian Church Orland Park, IL
 8/10  VW DJ  Laguna Beach, CA
 8/31 -9/1 Parkview Christian Church Orland Park, IL

 Parkview Christian Church

 Orland Park, IL


Wherever you are in life,there is a plan for you.

We will help you build a life you don’t need an escape from!

An individual LifePlan is a facilitated deep dive into your life where you will gain dexterity as you move through a crisis or opportunistic crossroads season of life. If you are in a season where things are “good” but could be much better with some perspective and focus, then this one-on-one plan is for you. You will discover how to bring your best self to those you love and lead. You will walk away from this 2 day individually customized experience with greater understanding of yourself, God and the purpose for which you have been created.

We will hold space for you to be real and refreshed.

A couples LifePlan is a facilitated journey where couples recognize their synergies and understand they are “better together.” There is simply nothing like spending 3 full days with your spouse, listening to their heart, hearing their history and learning their dreams. In a couples LifePlan the experience is integrated so couples can move into the future with greater clarity and impact.

A LifePlan retreat is where you can gather 3 or 300 people from your organization and experience LifePlan in community. We utilize large group teaching and specific tools that help couples and teams understand each other, serve each other and experience greater impact together. This is more practical than preachy. This is a hands on retreat setting with LifePlan tools and teaching from Rene & Todd as well as interaction with others.



I spend much of my time with executive teams and boards considering how to navigate transition and be successful in succession seasons.

I am certified as a master trainer by Auxano. And I use the best succession / transition related toolbox in the non-profit world! If you would like to have a conversation about succession planning please email me at tclark@slingshotgroup.org

Preparing yourself. Preparing your message. Protecting yourself.


Each week I spend time coaching communicators about how to live your best life on and off the stage. If you would like information about in person or video based personal coaching please email me at tclark@slingshotgroup.org

todd clark


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